Health and safety

Health and safety


  1. Workplace Safety and Security Initiatives
  2. Health Management Initiatives
  3. Major Initiatives and Achievements
  4. Various indicators

Workplace Safety and Security Initiatives


Sanken Electric has set "Zero occupational accidents, zero commuting accidents, zero occupational diseases" as its management goal, and in order to realize and continuously maintain this goal, we are promoting initiatives for workplace safety and security in cooperation with several workplace safety and health committees, centering on the Central Safety and Health Committee. In addition, the Safety and Health Promotion Team and the Health Promotion Team have been established at the bottom of the Sustainability Committee and Social Subcommittee. The Group as a whole is working to promote workplace safety and security by reducing excessive working hours and the number of smokers.

Slogans and management goals

Slogan:『 Even small near-misses are important realizations. Speak up to achieve zero accidents! 』

Management goals:『 Elimination of work-related accidents! 』

Safety and Health Activity Policy for Fiscal Year 2024

  • 1)  To enhance employees' safety awareness, we will implement safety and health education, training sessions, and awareness campaigns utilizing both internal networks and internal workshops. Additionally, we will raise awareness regarding work-related accidents during remote work or while employees are outside of the office.
  • 2)  We will strengthen safety patrols and strive to prevent work-related accidents proactively.
  • 3)  We will promote KYT (Know Your Task), hazard observation, and risk assessments to proactively prevent work-related accidents.
  • 4)  For chemical operations, we will establish positions for "Chemical Substance Managers" and "PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Usage Managers" to strengthen the management system. Additionally, we will regularly review various manuals and enhance safety measures.
  • 5)  We will establish environmental and organizational structures to acquire the "White Mark" (Excellent Company Recognition System for Safety and Health) certification.
  • 6)  To reduce the number of individuals with findings in health examinations, we will collaborate with the Social Division Health Promotion Team of the Sustainability Committee and conduct events related to health.
  • 7)  Regarding mental health care, we will collaborate with the Human Resources department to implement stress checks and proactively work on preventive measures such as improving the workplace environment.
  • 8)  As a measure to address excessive workload, we will ensure that employees who exceed 70 hours of overtime work per month undergo "physician interviews." Additionally, we aim for an annual paid holiday utilization rate of 70% or higher.
  • 9)  We aim to eliminate company vehicle accidents by utilizing the drive recorders installed in all vehicles.
  • 10)  We will prioritize efforts to protect the lives of employees by collaborating with the Crisis Management Committee in our natural disaster response measures.

Major Initiatives in Recent Years

We asked our company's industrial nurses and registered dietitians to teach us about the health promotion challenge, and we also used online.
  • (1) As part of our safety training, we provided safety and health training to new and mid-career employees, as well as held "chemical handling training" and "high pressure gas safety training" by outside instructors. We provided training based on examples of actual disasters, including their causes and countermeasures, in the form of online training.
  • (2) The Health and Safety Training Program combines the analysis of internal disasters, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and internal efforts to deal with them with the spring traffic safety training course. The Health Promotion Challenge was also held online as a measure to increase the number of people with findings in medical examinations mainly due to the aging of society in recent years.
    These events were newly established in recent years.
  • (3) We work every day to achieve zero accidents through regular patrols, in-house education on chemicals, and direct transmission of AI test results and advice to drivers using the drive recorder installed in all company vehicles.
  • (4) Fire-fighting personnel held an ordinary life-saving seminar, and trained them to be able to save lives calmly even in the event of an actual disaster.
  • (5) In order to eradicate commuting accidents and traffic accidents, the Traffic Safety Training Sessions held twice a year in spring and autumn are remote training sessions using Yammer*1.

In addition, in line with the work style reform, our company has actively introduced telecommuting and flexing systems, and has been expanding the use of free addresses within the company, thereby focusing its efforts on flexible working environments.

*1 Yammer is an internal communications environment centered on SNS

Trends in Sanken Group Business Accidents

Frequency rate Severity rate
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sanken Electric 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ishikawa Sanken 0.86 1.49 1.39 1.05 1.11 0.002 0.045 0.002 0.010 0.001
Yamagata Sanken 0.00 2.20 2.11 0.00 1.11 0.000 0.005 0.071 0.000 0.088
Fukushima Sanken 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
  • Frequency rate is the number of deaths and injuries due to occupational accidents per 1 million hours of actual work.
  • Severity rate is the number of days of work lost per 1000 hours of actual work, indicating the degree of severity of accidents.
  • Basis of Calculation : calendar year

Health Management Initiatives


Amid social issues such as the declining working-age population due to aging, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is promoting strategic initiatives to consider employee health management from a managerial perspective, in order to achieve healthy longevity and contribute to the sustainable maintenance and enhancement of health.
At Sanken Electric, it is considered crucial that employees and their families are both physically and mentally healthy. With this belief, Sanken Electric has been advocating the "Health Declaration" since May 2018. The aim is to create a workplace environment where employees can work energetically and continuously by promoting employee health and well-being.

Healthy management corporation


Sanken Electric Co., Ltd. has been certified as an Excellent Enterprise in Health Management 2024 (Large-scale Enterprise Category) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Conference. This marks the 6th consecutive year of certification, starting from 2019.

Sanken Electric Group as a whole has received certification.※1 Particularly, Ishikawa Sanken Co., Ltd. has been selected as one of the "Bright 500," which recognizes the top 500 companies certified in the small and medium-sized enterprise category.

Health management refers to the system that recognizes large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises that practice excellent health management, based on initiatives addressing health issues and health promotion led by the Japan Health Conference.

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Excellent Enterprise in Health Management Certification System
※1 The domestic Sanken Group includes Ishikawa Sanken, Yamagata Sanken, and Fukushima Sanken.

Health Declaration

We believe that it is important for employees and their families to be healthy both in mind and body, and to help people who use our products remain healthy. Aiming to create an environment in which each and every employee thinks and acts with an awareness that safety and health are always the highest priority, the Company will contribute to the health of its customers through efforts to autonomously maintain and promote the health of its employees and their families, as well as through innovations in power electronics.


Realization of a "Health-Oriented Company" and a Non-Smoking Company"
~Promoting Employee Health and Family Well-being

Organizational Structure


The Health Promotion Committee, consisting of the President as the Chief Executive Officer of Health Care, the Director of the Workstyle Reform Promotion Department, an occupational physician (Health Management Office), and the President of the Health Insurance Association as assistants, will work together with the Company and the Health Insurance Association to implement various measures to promote health management.

Health Management Strategy Map

Connection between health investment and management issues


Major Initiatives and Achievements

1. Improve health literacy

To enhance employees' health literacy, we support the three pillars of health management: ① Learning, ② Practice, and ③ Evaluation.
We are particularly focusing on the four key themes: "smoking cessation," "diet," "sleep," and "exercise."


Past achievements

  • ① Health screening participation is at 100%, and the examination rate for individuals with findings is 46.0% (increasing trend).
  • ② The participation rate for stress checks is 100%, and the rate of individuals with high stress is 13.7% (up from last year's 11.4%).
  • ③ Reduction in smokers: 9.5% of employees (achieved the target of below 10%)
  • ④ The rate of good sleep quality is 47.8% (showing an improving trend).
  • ⑤ The participation rate for women's health management training is 93.5% (increasing trend).

Future Initiatives

  • ① Utilization of ICT for health management to improve lifestyle habits (better than the national average)
  • ② Increasing the interview rate to prevent severe disease; aiming for an examination rate of over 60% for individuals with findings.
  • ③ Aiming to reduce the rate of high-stress individuals to below 10% through workplace environment improvement and line care after stress checks.
  • ④ Promoting the use of smoking cessation apps to further reduce the number of smokers (targeting less than 8% smokers).
  • ⑤ Monitoring sleep conditions and implementing improvement measures to aim for a sleep quality rate of over 70%.

2. Promoting Employee and Family Health

Survey of health status (survey of family health status) and use of training facilities.
Implementation of health management using ICT will enable families to work together. Promote support for maintaining health for families, such as medical checkups and health guidance. We aim to make further efforts to promote health in the future.

Various indicators

Lifestyle Surveys and Productivity Indicators.

  • August 2024 Survey
  • All employees, including those under the age of 40.
Lifestyle habits questionnaire. Unit Target
 【Non-smoker】 I don't smoke now.  90.5 ↑ 
 【Weight maintenance】 He has not gained more than 10 kg since he was 20 years old.  55.9 → 
 【Sweaty exercise】 Do at least 30 minutes of light sweating at least 2 days a week for at least 1 year.  30.8 ↑ 
 【Physical activity】  Walking or equivalent physical activity for at least 1 hour per day. 39.7 ↑ 
 【Walking speed】  They walk faster than their same-sex counterparts of about the same age. 53.8 ↓ 
 【Bedtime meal】  I don't eat dinner within two hours of going to bed more than three days a week. 70.6 ↑ 
 【Have breakfast】  I don't skip breakfast more than three days a week. 80.0 ↑ 
 【Adequate sleep】  I'm well rested from sleep. 47.8 ↑ 
Lifestyle habits questionnaire.
【How to chew a meal】
Unit Choice
Chew well Difficult to chew Unchewed
What is the condition when you chew a meal? % 78.7 ↑  20.5 ↓  0.8 ↑ 
Lifestyle habits questionnaire.
【Rate of eating】
Unit Choice
Fast Normal Slow
They eat faster than people. % 37.5 ↑  49.1 ↓  13.3 ↓ 
Lifestyle habits questionnaire.
【Frequency of snacking, sweet drinks】
Unit Choice
Every day Sometimes Little
Do you eat snacks or sweet drinks in addition to the three meals in the morning, lunch and dinner? % 23.3 →  55.9 ↓  20.8 ↑ 
Lifestyle habits questionnaire.
【The frequency of alcohol consumption.】
Unit Option
Every day 5 to 6 days a week 3 to 4 days a week 1 to 2 days a week 1 to 3 days a month Less than 1 day a month Quit Do not drink
The frequency of drinking alcohol (sake, shochu, beer, spirits, etc.) %  12.8 ↓  7.2  8.9  18.3  16.7  15.7  1.7  18.7
Lifestyle habits questionnaire.
【Amount of alcohol consumed】
Unit Choice
Drinking less than 1 cup Drinking less than 1 to 2 cups Drinking less than 2 to 3 cups Drinking less than 3 to 5 cups Drinking 5 or more cups
The amount of alcohol consumed per day on drinking days. %  47.8 ↓  29.6 ↑  14.5 ↑  6.0 ↑  2.0 
  • Standard for 1 cup = 1 medium beer bottle (about 500 ml), 35 degrees shochu (80 ml), 1 double whiskey (60 ml), 2 glasses wine (240 ml)
Productivity indicator Unit F.Y Goal
2021 2022 2023 2024
1.Presenteeism (WHO-HPQ) Point 64.1  65.4  65.7  67.3  70.0 
2.Absenteeism (average number of days of sick leave absence) Day 3.07  3.06  3.69  2.0 
3.Work Engagement (New Brief Survey on Occupational Stress) Point 2.36  3.50 
Number of persons measured (1,3) 2 is the reason for all employees' leave required in the work system. people 926  930  918  930 
Response rate (1,3) % 100  100  100  100 
  • Presenteeism refers to "a state of reduced productivity due to health problems," although absence from work or leave of absence has not yet occurred.
  • Absenteeism refers to "absence from work due to health problems."