Respect for Human Rights and Diversity Initiatives
- The Sanken Group's Basic Approach to Human Rights and Labor
- Sanken Group Human Rights Policy
- Efforts to Respect Human Rights
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Interview with male employees
- Interview with the first female executive in the Sanken Group
The Sanken Group's Basic Approach to Human Rights and Labor
The Sanken Group supports and respects global standards on fundamental principles and rights at work, sets human rights and labor policies, and respects the human rights and will of all workers. In order to promote activities for respect for human rights, we plan to build and strengthen a PDCA system centered on human rights training, risk assessment and countermeasures, and assessments. The Sanken Group's approach to human rights and actions will be clearly communicated to business partners and all other stakeholders.
Sanken Group Human Rights Policy
In recent years, with the development of economic activities, complexities, and globalization, there has been an increase in the importance of respect for human rights, which is required of us as a company by society. In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, our company and the Sanken Group have established a system that respects human rights by presenting our fundamental corporate approach to human rights (human rights policy) and by carefully analyzing the implementation of measures and their effects.
Efforts to Respect Human Rights
The Sanken Group regularly conducts education on prevention of harassment for employees and managers in order to ensure that its efforts to respect human rights are made more reliably. We also conduct CSR surveys of human rights with our business partners, and ask them to make improvements in areas where there are issues. In the future, we will strive to identify human rights risks throughout the Group, identify issues, and respond accordingly. These human rights issues are discussed and reported to management by the Sustainability Committee and its subordinate Governance and Social Subcommittees.
Efforts to Improve the Working Environment
With regard to improving the working environment, we are working to promote safety management, health promotion, diversity promotion, and work style reform under the themes of appropriate management of basic working conditions, creation of a safe working environment, promotion of employee health, and enabling all employees to demonstrate their abilities, work in an exciting manner, and experience growth. These developments are being improved by establishing the Health Promotion Team, the Health and Safety Promotion Team, and the Diversity Promotion Team in the Social Subcommittee, which is under the Sustainability Committee.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The promotion of diversity in our company and in domestic Group companies is one of the management strategies to become a strong company capable of sustainable growth.
Regardless of attributes such as nationality, culture, gender, age, disability, work history, and values, we will strive to create a work environment in which employees can exercise their abilities to the fullest by respecting each other, recognizing each other, and maintaining fairness, with the aim of creating new values.
Values to be cherished by the Sanken Electric Group
We aim to ensure that all employees (regardless of nationality, sex, age, or occupation) understand the purpose of diversity and that each employee is equally respected. In order to achieve this, we value the following ideas.
- Let's respect and recognize each other.
- Let's say positive words for each other to grow.
- Value work-life balance.
Implementation of management training
As part of our diversity promotion activities, in February 2023, we conducted "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Management Training" for managers, starting from the management level of the Sanken Group. 69 managers, including those at the management level, attended the training.
The program continued in fiscal 2023 for 205 managers. Since fiscal 2018, we have provided training to managers at our head office and domestic group companies to help them understand the concept of diversity and practice management that eliminates unconscious bias.
Expansion of male child care leave system
Since April 2023, the Sanken Group has been working to improve its system by enabling male employees to take 1 month of paid leave for childcare leave. In addition, e-learning has been implemented to encourage male employees to take childcare leave.
The Sanken Group had 2,861 participants (Attendance rate: 96%. As of June 2023).
Support for Female Careers
Based on the "Development Plan" prepared by superiors and selected members, supervisors are provided with regular training progress and follow-up on plans. Members are provided with support for knowledge acquisition and network formation by external lecturers, thereby creating a strategic environmental for growth.
LGBTQ Initiatives and ALLY

Based on our management philosophy of "respecting each and every employee and giving fair contact to all employees," we aim to create an environment in which everyone has a place to live and can thrive. As part of its LGBTQ efforts, the CSR Office has taken training courses for companies in the Saitama Prefectural Government on initiatives related to LGBTQ and is rolling them out internally.
We also announced Ally (ALLY) as part of our activities. Ally (ALLY) refers to the human resources who understand and support a sexual minority (LGBTQ) or who wish to support the term "alliance" or "taste" in English.
Saitama's "Initiatives for Enterprises Related to LGBTQ" is here at
Interview with male employees
The mental work-life balance provided by the new step of taking childcare leave

Mr. N. A.
At the end of 2019, the chief daughter was born, and my family composition became four, i.e., the wife, the first boy of an un-school child, and the first daughter. At first, my wife looked after the two children, but it was no longer possible to ask for assistance from our parents living far away due to the burden on their bodies immediately after giving birth and the consequences of the the COVID pandemic, the coronavirus pandemic, so I decided to take childcare leave.
When I was considering taking childcare leave, I was worried about my evaluation of my work by taking long term leave. However, my cousin took long childcare leave (6 months), and after consulting with my father, I felt that "my family is important" rather than worrying about the evaluation and reputation of my neighbors. I decided to take childcare leave.
I returned to work for the first time in six months, 2020, but there were no problems I was first worried about, so I feel that the choice was correct when I was able to return to work without having to take child-care leave.
Actual parenting is physically and mentally more burdensome than I had expected, but I feel that the fact that I was able to share my parenting responsibilities due to taking childcare leave will be extremely meaningful, above all, in my future relationship as husband and wife.
Interview with the first female executive in the Sanken Group
"It's not spring if just one flower blooms. Every flower blooms and a good scent floats in the garden."

Ms. C. R.
In March of this year, I had the opportunity to listen to a lecture by President Yuko Yamanaka of Hosei University.
"The main content is ""diversity.""" In this context, It is important to avoid discrimination, such as race, gender, and ethnicity, and to respect individuality. If various people are present and good places are gathered together, new creations can be created and good grades can be achieved. I deeply agree with this.
Looking back on the development of Dalian Sanken Electric, we have made use of "the speed of China," "the rigor of Japan," "boldness of men," "careful consideration for women," and "diversity."
This time, I became the first female director in the Sanken Group, and I feel deeply about this.
The Sanken Group has a philosophy of promoting diversity, and I will contribute to the development of the Group by fully demonstrating my own characteristics. My name is written as "Lotus Flower". Lastly, I will introduce Chinese poetry.
"It's not spring if just one flower blooms. Every flower blooms and a good scent floats in the garden."