Sanken Group's Approach to Social Issues
- Sanken Group's Approach to Social Issues
- The "Sanken ESG logo" is set as a logo symbolizing our ESG management.
- System for Expanding and Promoting ESG Management
- Sanken Materiality (Priority Issues)
Sanken Group's Approach to Social Issues
The Sanken Group's management philosophy states, "Our mission is to provide optimal solutions that include power electronics and its surrounding areas, with semiconductors as our core business. Our mission is to contribute to the development of industry, economy, and culture around the world." This represents our basic stance on social issues.
The Sanken Group's management philosophy states, "Our mission is to provide optimal solutions that include power electronics and its surrounding areas, with semiconductors as our core business. Our mission is to contribute to the development of industry, economy, and culture around the world." This represents our basic stance on social issues.
To solve these social issues and sustainably enhance our corporate value and growth, in the 24 Medium-Term Management Plan, we will pursue contributions to future markets that are accelerating digitalization and smartization, and expand our business activities.
The "Sanken ESG logo" is set as a logo symbolizing our ESG management.
<Expressing the attitude toward ESG as a logo mark >

Color tones (green, orange, and blue) in ESG 3 fields are placed on the leaves of hawk wasps, which represent "sustainable prosperity," showing "clean and clean, diverse, and future/growth" respectively.
System for Expanding and Promoting ESG Management
Development of ESG Management
We have incorporated identified materials into our management, linking our contributions to society with our sustainable development. Based on the "Connect" between the Sanken Group and society, we are developing ESG-based management based on the concepts of "links with nature," "links with society," and "links with trust."
Promotion System
In promoting ESG management, the Sustainability Committee plays a central role in the development of three subcommittees on the environment, society, and governance, as well as team activities for each theme, such as climate change. This subcommittee and team activity is composed of members of the Sanken Group and is a unified group activity system. Reports to the Sustainability Committee are also made once every six months, and the results are reported to the Management Committee or the Board of Directors.The chairman is Katsumi Kawashima, director who is the "Officer in charge of ESG".

Sanken Materiality (Priority Issues)
How to identify materiality
We examined key issues for the Sanken Group from a comprehensive perspective, including the medium-term management plan. In the process, we make mappings based on "degree of social interest" and "degree of impact on our business" to identify priority issues (materiality) for the Sanken Group.

Sanken Group's key issues
Through the process of confirming our management philosophy and analyzing priority issues, we have defined the issues that the Sanken Group should address to resolve social issues as "reducing CO2 through the promotion of our main business (energy conservation and high efficiency)" and "reducing environmental impact through our business activities."