Efforts to evaluate and support from outside

Efforts to evaluate and support from outside



The Sanken Group supports CDP's activities and strives to improve its engagement on global environmental issues.
※CDP:An international NGO that encourages and evaluates the disclosure of corporate environmental initiatives at the request of institutional investors around the world who are highly interested in environmental issues.
CDP Japan
URL : https://japan.cdp.net/

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures


The Sanken Group recognizes that responding to climate change is an important issue in order to realize a sustainable social environment, and has endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in June 2022. Did. We recognize climate change as one of the important management issues that will have a major impact on our business activities, and we will promote initiatives and information disclosure in line with the TCFD recommendations.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
URL : https://www.fsb-tcfd.org/

Healthy management corporation


サSanken Electric Co., Ltd. was recognized as a "Health Management Excellent Corporation 2023 (Large Sector)" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council on March 8, 2023. This will be the fifth consecutive year since 2019.
Domestic companies have also acquired the Small and Medium Enterprise Division of "2023 Healthy management corporation." This certification was obtained by the entire Group.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Health Management Excellence Corporation Certification System
URL : https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/mono_info_service/healthcare/kenkoukeiei_yuryouhouzin.html

Nikkei SDGs Management Survey


Our company has been certified with a rating of 3.5 stars in the 5th Nikkei "SDGs Management" Survey organized by Nikkei Inc. In the "Nikkei SDGs Survey," companies are evaluated and rated on a 5-point scale based on their efforts to link SDGs with management, addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges through their business activities, and enhancing corporate value. In the sector-wise evaluation, we received the following ratings: "SDGs Strategy & Economic Value: S," "Social Value: A++," "Environmental Value: A++," and "Governance: S."

Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey


Certified as 3 stars in the 7th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey (November 2023). We were awarded a 3-star rating in the 7th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey, which selects advanced companies that are taking on the productivity revolution through work style reform. The survey, which has been conducted by Nikkei since 2017, targets listed companies and leading unlisted companies nationwide. We define "smart work management" as efforts to maximize the performance of an organization through 3 factors: realization of diverse and flexible work styles, a system for creating new businesses, and the ability to explore markets. The survey is rated on a 5-star scale.

SOMPO Sustainability Indexes

SOMPO サステナビリティ・インデックス2023

We were selected for inclusion in SOMPO Sustainability Indexes, which are constituents operated by SOMPO Asset Management Co., Ltd.
SOMPO sustainable operation
URL : https://www.sompo-am.co.jp/institutional/product/06/

“Eruboshi” Certification


Based on the Act for the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the workplace, this is a system to certify companies with excellent status regarding the promotion of women's activities. Ishikawa Sanken Co., Ltd. received "2 stars" in December 2022. The company has promoted the development and support of women as part of its efforts to promote diversity. We will continue to create a better workplace that incorporates the voices of our employees.

  • Ishikawa Sanken:2nd stage certification
  • Yamagata Sanken:3rd stage certification
  • Fukushima Sanken:3rd stage certification

URL : https://positive-ryouritsu.mhlw.go.jp/positivedb/detail?id=38479.html

Kurumin Certification


A system recognized by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as a "child-rearing support company" for its excellent system for supporting women to balance work and child-rearing. We have created our own Sango family characters to encourage men and women to use the childcare leave system.
About the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Kurumin Mark and Platinum Kurumin Mark

  • Ishikawa Sanken:Kurumin Certification
  • Yamagata Sanken:Kurumin Certification

URL : https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kodomo/shokuba_kosodate/kurumin/index.html

Support for Paralympic art


Paralympic art A part of the paralympic art provided by the Climate for Self-Reliance Support for the Disabled is used to create an ESG page.
Japan Independence Promotion Organization for the Disabled
URL : https://paralymart.or.jp/association/

Japan SDGs Action Platform

Japan SDGs Action Platform

In recognition of our efforts, we were authorized to use the SDGs Japan logo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Our website was also posted on JAPAN SDGs Action Platform website, which is operated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as an example of SDGs initiatives.
JAPAN SDGs Action Platform
URL : https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/oda/sdgs/index.html

Plastics Smart

Plastics Smart

Sanken Electric supports the Plastics Mart, which is promoted by the Ministry of the Environment to encourage individuals, corporations, and organizations working to solve environmental pollution problems, such as marine plastic garbage, and to expand its activities.
URL : http://plastics-smart.env.go.jp/case?_token=Uzftbg04q7DbapWPfXS0VsOkKfHLWjFrsWypRPZ6&case=2134

Ally (ALLY)


We agreed with the Saitama Prefectural Government's "Initiatives for Companies Related to LGBTQ" and expressed Ally (ALLY) to refer to people who understand and support sexual minorities (LGBTQ) and who want to support them.
"Initiatives for Companies Related to LGBTQ" website in Saitama
Efforts for Ally (ALLY)-Saitama Pref. (pref.saitama.lg.jp)

Womanomics project Diverse working practices company (Gold)


We place importance on the harmony between work and family (work-life balance) between our employees, and we are working to create a working environment and enhance support systems. The Womanomics Project in Saitama Prefecture has been certified as a "Diverse Work Style Practice Company (Gold)" to create an environment in which women can continue to work with vitality and an environment in which employees can balance work and parenting.
Saitama Womanomics Site
URL : https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/womenomics/diversity/about.html