Concrete efforts and evaluations

Concrete efforts and evaluations


  1. SDGs materiality
  2. In-house training on ESG management and SDGs

SDGs materiality

Through the identification of materiality, we are carrying out the following specific activities, focusing on contributions through products, activities to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities, and value creation for ease of work.

Achieving Gender Equality Supplying parts to water-saving products Improvement of water use efficiency With clean energy To promote the use of production
5 ジェンダー平等を実現しよう 6 安全な水とトイレを世界に 7 エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに
・Improving the ratio of female managers
・Balancing work with childcare and household chores
・Unconscious bias
For washing machines (drum type) Providing products to product groups Improve the percentage of products produced at plants that use a high rate of renewable energy
Reducing Occupational Accidents and Realizing a Secure and Safe Workplace Environment Environment Friendly Introduction of production processes Rectifying human and national inequalities
8 働きがいも経済成長も 9 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう 10 人や国の不平等をなくそう
・Balancing Work and Home with Enhanced Physical and Mental Health
・Realize a workplace environment where everyone is given equal opportunities and does not feel unequal
・Create a workplace where diverse human resources are active
・Provides flexible work styles to maintain a work-life balance
Reduction of Chemical Consumption in Semiconductor Cleaning Process ・Opportunities for foreign employees to play active roles
・Compliance with the statutory employment rate for persons with disabilities
・Considering Human Rights in the Procurement Process
Reduction of Water Discharge and Management of Wastewater at SG Sites Reducing Waste at SG Sites
Initiatives for de-plastics
6 安全な水とトイレを世界に 12 つくる責任つかう責任 12 つくる責任つかう責任
・Water-saving activities
・Measures against water leakage at each facility
・Water reuse
・Strengthening wastewater standards
・Overall recycling rate of 99% or higher
・Plastic recycling rate of 99% or higher
・Activities to Reduce Plastics
By reducing CO2 emissions Contributing to the Prevention of Global Warming At SG sitesReducing CO2 Emissions Peace and Fairness for All
13 気候変動に具体的な対策を 13 気候変動に具体的な対策を 16 平和と公正をすべての人に
・Consumer Air Conditioner Products
・Products for refrigerators
・Products for xEV (Electric Vehicles)
・LED lighting products
・Energy-saving activities
・Introduction of solar power generation
・Use of Renewable Electric Power
・Capital spending considering CO2 emissions
・Measures against harassment
・Establishment of human right and human right due diligence systems
・Internal Reporting System

In-house training on ESG management and SDGs

In order to instill ESG management, I believe it is important to "know the world's movements" and "become self-governing." From this perspective, we use our in-house intranet to use video-based teaching materials to deepen our understanding of ESGs and SDGs.

In-house training on SDGs


Created SDGs educational videos for Sanken Electric employees.
The report covers a wide range of topics related to SDGs, from basic content to practical concepts. We share our ideas on SDGs of our employees and tackle these issues.

ESG management

Introductory videos about ESG management were released to employees. We regularly disseminate information on topics and other topics in the E, S, and G fields, creating opportunities for ESG education for employees.