Initiatives for Resource Conservation and Biodiversity
- Business Activities and Environmental Impact
- Management of Water Resources
- Reduction of Waste and Resource Recycling
- Automatic inspection using Ishikawa Sanken image camera
- Introduction of Ishikawa Sanken Energy-Saving Air Conditioning Equipment
- Contribution to biodiversity
- Initiative of My Water Bottle Campaign
- Resource conservation Separate collection of cardboard boxes and valuable materials Yamagata Sanken
- Reuse and Recycling of Plastic Cases Yamagata Sanken
Business Activities and Environmental Impact
Group Total for Fiscal Year 2023(※)The amounts of energy consumption, resource input associated with the production of chemicals, etc., and emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), waste, etc., are as follows.
【Energy 1,437 TJ(▲5%)】
Electric Energy | 135,629 MWh | (▲6%) |
Heavy Oil | 2,074 kL | (▲6%) |
Diesel Oil | 1.993 kL | (190%) |
Kerosene | 30.788 kL | (▲16%) |
LPG | 79.6t | (20%) |
【Water Intake 1,711千m³(▲14%)】
Potable Water | 297千m³ | (▲1%) |
Industrial Water | 956千m³ | (▲9%) |
Groundwater | 458千m³ | (▲28%) |
【Raw Materials】
Semiconductor Materials, Metal Materials, Plastic Materials, Electronic Components, Chemicals, Gases (such as Nitrogen and Oxygen), Cardboard.

Business Process

【Impact on the Atmospheric Environment】
Carbon Dioxide(※1) | 67,463千t-CO2 | (▲11%) |
【Waste Material】
Total Emissions | 1,915t (▲57%) |
※Calculated by Sanken Core from the fiscal year 2022 (Targets: Sanken Electric, Ishikawa Sanken (Horimatsu, Shiga, Noto), Yamagata Sanken, Fukushima Sanken, Sanken Plaza, Semiconductor Reliability Evaluation Center, Dalian Sanken).
Management of Water Resources
Trends in Water Intake and Sales Intensity
The Sanken Group utilizes water resources such as potable water, groundwater, and industrial water.
We recognize water resources as precious and limited resources, and from the perspective of biodiversity and ecosystem protection, we are striving to reduce water intake.
Regarding the "reduction of water intake," we have been promoting this on a factory-by-factory basis. However, going forward, we will set a goal to "improve intensity by 1% year-over-year" for the total in Japan and the Dalian Group, and work towards achieving this target.

Reduction of Waste and Resource Recycling
As part of the effective use and conservation of resources, we are continuously promoting "waste generation suppression," "reduction of emissions," and "promotion of recycling." Additionally, for waste generated at the headquarters, we strive to promote recycling by separating it into more than 27 categories and managing it meticulously.
Regarding the "plastic waste" that has recently garnered attention, we entrust its processing to designated domestic contractors. These contractors incinerate the waste on-site and utilize it for power generation and drying processes. In terms of processing management, we strictly adhere to the "Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law," ensuring thorough compliance through manifest tracking, and we regularly visit the contractors to verify the processes are being correctly followed.
Trends in Waste Generation (Total for Domestic Manufacturing Sites)
Trends in Waste Emissions

Automatic inspection using Ishikawa Sanken image camera
We are working to improve production efficiency by changing visual inspections by people to automatic inspections using image cameras.
In 2015, we reduced the number of employees by approximately 30, including by actually adopting image camera inspections for internal visual inspections and by adopting image camera inspections with or without JCR in the JCR process.
Introduction of Ishikawa Sanken Energy-Saving Air Conditioning Equipment
With the use of CFC-free 22 (*) as a machine, we replaced the air-conditioning equipment in the refrigerator with new energy-saving equipment, which has resulted in more energy savings than the previous equipment.
Old system: 34,177 kWh/year
New system: 21,466 kWh/year 37% reduction
※Fluorocarbon-free 22: Complete elimination by 2020 of specified CFCs (HCFC) that are highly ozone-depleting

Contribution to biodiversity

Beech autochthonous site on the Hiromatsu plant site "Beech trees (six trees)" were found on the site of the Ishikawa Sanken-Horimatsu Plant. This beech tree is found to be an environmentally friendly tree and is a rare tree that grows in clusters on the lowest land of Japanese beeches, at an altitude of 33 meters. Ishikawa Sanken believes that protecting the trees of this beech will lead to the conservation of the natural environment. In addition, in order to leave this rare tree to later generations, we will change our on-site preparation plan and work to improve and conserve it.

Initiative of My Water Bottle Campaign

Since August 2019, all of our domestic business sites have been implementing the "My Water Bottle Campaign Initiative" as the first initiative to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated in-house. In particular, we will curb the volume of waste in-house "PET bottles" and "disposable plastic cups," thereby contributing to the realization of a sustainable society that SDGs aims to achieve.
(Reference) Waste of PET bottles: 156,000 (approx. 4 tons)/year (Head Office, Tokyo Office, Osaka Branch, Nagoya Sales Office)
Resource conservation Separate collection of cardboard boxes and valuable materials Yamagata Sanken
As energy-saving and resource-saving activities, since September 2021 we have sorted and collected cardboard boxes that used to be solid waste fuel (RPF) and converted them into valuable resources.
Disseminated information to all employees and requested their cooperation.
The company-wide sorting is carried out to recycle waste.
The monthly average collection of 2,000 kilograms has produced a significant effect, and we will continue this effort as an effort to conserve resources.

Reuse and Recycling of Plastic Cases Yamagata Sanken
We have been working on the recycling of wafer cases (plastic) since October 2021.
Until now, we have been carrying out the recycling process (recycling) as industrial waste, but we are currently implementing the reuse process (reuse) of wafer cases in cooperation with recycling companies and wafer manufacturers.